Default shells usually end in $. Unless you’re root and it’s #. That tradition has been around forever: people recognized the need to highlight you’re not just some random shmoe.
These days we have lots of snazzy shell magic. You might still su, but you’re more likely to sudo. We still temporarily assume extra privileges. If you have access to more than one set of systems, like production and staging, you probably have ways of putting on a particular hat. Some combination of setting an environment variable, adding a key to ssh-agent, or assuming aws AWS role with aws-vault. You know, so you don’t accidentally blow away prod.
If a privilege is important enough not to have around all the time, it’s important enough to be reminded you have it. You’re likely to have more than one terminal open. You might want to be reminded when your extra privileges are about to expire. That might be something you just set up for your own environment. But as your organization grows, you’ll want to share that with others. If you develop software, you might want to make it easy for your users to get a similarly loud shell.
Major shells you might care about: POSIX sh, bash, zsh, and fish. POSIX sh is a spec, not an implementation. POSIX sh compatibility means it’ll probably work in bash and zsh too. You might run into dash or busybox in a tiny Docker container image. Both are POSIXy. There’s large overlap between all of them but fish, which is different and proud of it.
There are lots of ways to configure a shell prompt but PS1 is the default. Just PS1=“xyzzy>” $SHELL doesn’t work. You get a new shell, but it will execute a plethora of configuration files. One of them will set PS1 indiscriminately and so your fancy prompt gets clobbered.
So what do you do? Major techniques:
- An rc-less shell.
- A dedicated environment variable that your shell’s PS1 knows about.
- Sourcing scripts
- Crazy hacks like
or precmd or reconstituted rcfiles
rcless shells If you interpret the problem as shells having configuration, you can disable that. Unfortunately, the flags for this are different across shells:
- bash uses the –norc flag
- zsh uses the –no-rcs flag
- dash doesn’t have a flag but instead reads from ENV
You can’t necessarily count on any particular shell being available. The good news is you don’t have to care about fish here: it’s uncommon and you’ve already committed to giving people a limited shell. So, either count on everyone to have bash or write something like this:
case "$SHELL" in
_zsh_) SHFLAGS="--no-rcs" ;;
_bash_) SHFLAGS="--norc" ;;
Eventually, you run $SHELL with PS1 set and you’re done. The good news is that rcless shells will work pretty much anywhere. The bad news is that the shell customization people are used to is gone: aliases, paths, colors, shell history et cetera. If people don’t love the shell you give them, odds are they’re going to look for a workaround.
Dedicated environment variables If you interpret the problem as setting PS1 being fundamentally wrong because that’s the shell configuration’s job, you could argue that the shell configuration should also just set the prompt correctly. Your job is not to set the prompt, but to give the shell everything it needs to set it for you.
As an example, aws-vault already conveniently sets an environment variable for you, so you can do this in your zshrc:
if [ -n "${AWS_VAULT}" ] ; then
echo -e
"$(tput setab 1)In aws-vault env ${AWS_VAULT}$(tput sgr0)"
export PS1="$(tput setab 1)<<${AWS_VAULT}>>$(tput sgr0) ${PS1}";
Now, just use aws-vault’s exec to run a new shell:
aws-vault exec work -- $SHELL
… and you’ll get a bright red warning telling you that you have elevated privileges.
I use tput here and you should too. Under the hood, it’ll produce regular old ANSI escape codes. $(tput setab 1) sets the background to color 1 (red). $(tput sgr0) resets to defaults. Three reasons you should use tput instead of manually entering escape codes:
- It’s more legible.
- It’s more portable across shells. If you did
it’ll work fine in bash but zsh will escape the escape codes and your prompt will have literal slashes and brackets in it. Unless you put a dollar sign in front of the double quote, which bash doesn’t like. - It’s more portable across terminals.
The downside to this is that it fails open. If nobody changes PS1 you don’t get a fancy prompt. It’s a pain to enforce this via MDM.
source If you reinterpret the problem as trying to create a subshell at all, you could try to modify the shell you’re in. You can do that simply by calling source somefile. This is how Python’s virtualenv works.
The upside is that it’s pretty clean, the downside is that it’s pretty custom per shell. If you’re careful, odds are you can write it in POSIX sh and cover sh, bash, zsh in one go, though. Unless you need to support fish. Or eshell or whatever it is that one person on your team uses.
Let’s say you have no shame and you interpret the problem as shells refusing to
bend to your eternal will. You can get past the above restriction with the
rarely used PROMPT_COMMAND
environment variable.
Quoth the docs:
Bash provides an environment variable called
. The contents of this variable are executed as a regular Bash command just before Bash displays a prompt.
Because nobody sets PROMPT_COMMAND
you can set it in the environment of a new
shell process and it won’t get clobbered like PS1 would. Because it’s bash
source, it can do whatever it wants, including setting environment variables
like PS1 and un-setting environment variables like PROMPT_COMMAND
itself. You
know, something like:
Of course, you have now forfeited any pretense of being reasonable. This doesn’t play well with others. Another downside is that this doesn’t work in zsh. That has an equivalent precmd() function but won’t grab it from an environment variable. Which brings us to our final trick:
Reconstituted rcfiles
If you absolutely must, you could technically just cobble together the entire rcfile, including the parts that the shell would ordinarily source itself. I don’t really want to help you do that, but it’d probably look something like this:
$ zsh --rcs <(echo "echo why are you like this")
why are you like this
Please don’t do that. Depending on context, use an rc-less shell or a dedicated environment variable or source something. Please?